
We welcome Sam for his MChem project, while the ongoing refurbishment
of our old lab is almost complete...
In the meanwhile, this month Riccardo and I really enjoyed talking to the RSC magazine Chemistry World on building soft skills during PhD studies!
Jan joins the Franchino group over the Summer thanks to
a generous undergraduate bursary from the Royal Society of Chemistry! Well done Jan!
Allegra secures a Future Leaders Fellowship worth £1.5m to carry out the project "ChloroCat -
Unlocking metal-chloride bonds for data-driven stereoselective catalysis" in the next 4 years.
Many thanks to all those who helped with this application, in Durham and beyond, and to our collaborator Dr Jolene Reid at the University of British Columbia. Press releases: here and here.
Betty, Charlie and Jude conclude their master degrees.
Best of luck in your next steps!
Well done to Riccardo for securing RSC and UniPV travel grants to present
his work at conferences this Summer!
Check out here to see where we are heading to spread the news about our research.
Welcome to Betty, Charlie and Jude, who join the group as MChem students.
Enjoy your projects!
A Research Grant from the Royal Society allows us to equip our lab with a brand new glovebox,
and retire the inherited old one. Excited for the air-sensitive chemistry that lies ahead!

Ben and Frank conclude their MChem with a First class degree, and are off to Bath for a PhD and to Pharmaron, respectively! Well done guys!
Imogen, Max and Emma join the group as Summer students. We also welcome high-school student Catherine to check out how academic research looks like.
Summer 2023
Allegra enjoys returning to Spain for talks and two fantastic PhD defences at ICIQ and CiQUS.

Riccardo joins the group for his PhD.
Welcome to Durham and best of luck!
Ben and Frank start their Master thesis projects in the group. Enjoy!

Allegra gives a keynote talk at the XL Congress of the Organic Division of the Italian Chemical Society in Palermo, Italy

The Franchino lab officially opens its doors in the Department of Chemistry
at Durham University